So I finally put my intentions into practise and tackled bread making. Of course it wouldn't do to start with a simple white loaf. No, I flicked straight by those pages to something sweeter. Something that would make a delicious Saturday morning brunch with my espresso. And there they were. Looking so tempting and warm and delicious, Nigella's 'Norwegian Cinnamon Buns' (How To Be A Domestic Goddess).
Now being my first time approaching this recipe and especially since I have hardly baked bread at all I decided I would just have to implement the recipe as it was. No tweaks or additions. As far as a bread recipe is concerned this is fairly simple. There isn't as much kneading and punching and more kneading and punching as other recipes. Yes, you do have to let it prove twice, which means if you want them on the morning side of the day you need to get stuck in as soon as you get up. If I hadn't been out last night I would have left it to prove overnight in the fridge so that half the work was done in the morning.
The result was a delight. Warm, moist, soft rolls filling my kitchen with the aroma of cinnamon. Because of my insaitable sweet tooth I would like them even stickier and sweeter and for that reason I plan to try 'Schnecken' in the near future. Described as, "..the Norwegian cinnamon buns, only more so. ...they are stickier, puffier, gooier and more over the top." Not, however, before I have tried a chocolate version of these by replacing the cinnamon with cocoa and drizzling white choc over the top to finish. Ummmm!