It has taken me considerable time to gear myself up to actually put this notion into motion. I have toyed around with the idea of a blog for some time now. Life, in relation to food, has taken quite a few twists and turns over recent months and years. I've lived in the city where I could get almost any ingredient I wanted with little effort. I've put lots of effort and enthusiasm into creating exotic and elaborate experimental dishes. But times have changed. I now live in rural Fermanagh where most of the time it would cost me double the price of the ingredient to drive to get it (that's if the assistant behind the desk knows what I'm talking about). I have also come to accept that despite my best attempts at sun-dried tomato stuffed monkish wrapped in prosicutto and chocolate, chilli and lime bread, my husband prefers steak and chips and chocolate fudge cake. To add to these hurdles I now find myself cooking bland mush for a 9 month old baby (granted it is more interesting mush than most babies receive). To add to all these suppresants of my culinary ambition our nation has been hit with the credit crunch and I now find myself trading in those luxury ingredient for cheaper alternatives.
But I have contemplated recently that I can't be alone in my situation. Many people live in rural areas of our 'wee' country. And more often that not we are slow at catching up with the latest food trends so that we struggle getting that now common ingredient in mainland UK. And there are definately thousands of women (or men!) out there who would love to create all sorts of exciting dishes and fancy desserts but who find themselves catering for the fairly reserved tastes of their family. So I considered how wonderful it would be if I could discuss these issues with other likeminded food-a-holics. If someone out there could tell me where to find the ingredient I've searched high and low for and if I could give others suggestions on recipes etc.
Initially I moaned a bit about my situation. But now I see it as a challenge I embrace everyday. Cooking for a husband, a baby, miles from anywhere, with a tight purse and pushing the boundaries just that little bit to allow my creativity to signature the dish.